Sunday 3 January 2010

Yieldedness and looking unto Jesus

I want to know how you understand yieldedness and resting in God and looking unto Jesus Yielding is simply keeping every thought captive to the obedience of the Written Word in 2Corinthians 10 and keeping every care cast upon Him according to 1Peter 5, resting in God is entering into the rest of all of the promises of the Written Word that He's illuminated to you in your feeding upon the Written Word as though they're settled realities, inspite of current circumstances -- in addition to those things He's spoken to you as your meditation time in the Written Word has borne the fruit of casting out all fear, coveteousness, and licentousness. There is no yielding unless like Abraham in Romans 4 you're counting not your own body/circumstances, but only that which God has promised and are fully persuaded giving glory to God in the Name of Jesus according to Colossians 2:6-7 and Colossians 3:17.  Looking unto Jesus would obviously be looking unto all He did on the Cross for our sanctification and translation into the world He has for us to live in this life, and pursuing the imitation of our risen Lord that all things are finished and all of His glory, possessions, wisdom, knowledge, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption is 100% ours according to John 17, 1Corinthians 1:30, Ephesians 1, Ephesians 3, Romans 5:17. People misread 1Peter 2 all of the time about following His example and don't read the part about "by whose stripes ye were healed" in the 24th verse, which is telling you what to imitate of His life -- the miracles, the meekness and lowliness, yes, but the power as well as the purity and simplicity.  1Peter 3 is still talking about imitating Him when it then cites the situation of Sarah calling Abraham YHVH, the meek and quiet spirit with inward adornment that's as rich and pregnant as one's Song of Solomon adornment, keeping every Word in line with an already completed Psalm 112 life in the 10th verse of 1Peter 3, and counting everything one goes through as a seed, the way Christ did, for better tomorrows for the whole world in the 4th chapter, by keeping every care cast upon Him and His Written Word in 1Peter 5.

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