Sunday, 3 January 2010

More on Psalm 23

On second consideration of the 23rd Psalm, it is very evidently a written revelation of Christian godly character. From submission to the Lordship of Jesus Christ to the extent of being humble enough to allow Him to set a believer's prosperity before them, in any level that pleases Him, to sticking close with the Lord always, to allowing Him to prepare your bountiful table in the presence of anyone that it pleases Him to do so. Often as we would lay in green pastures beside still waters, there are enemies close at hand who would wish to challenge our right to those green pastures and still waters. Many often ignorantly want our green pastures and still waters without the association with our Lord that our green pastures and still waters are to us.

Another idea that's often come to me as I've read the 23rd Psalm is whether or not goodness and mercy are opposites. In this world there's often talk of a mercy killing, or of "in mercy" being put out of one's misery, when suffering has extended past what is conscionable. As much as mercy is often called an "unmerited favor" ( to contrast it with "grace"), there's often a sense of mercy expressed in the knowledge of "when" it can be said that "enough is enough." We often either whince too easily, or go to the opposite extremity of coldness on a lot of different issues in a lot of different lives that we come across. But my Shepherd will never whince nor grow too cold to fail to extend a nail pierced hand into any situation. Goodness is complete generosity rooted in absolute wisdom and might. If "riches" are the wisdom and might of God in your life, according to His plan and your spiritual and mental "DNA," then you'll either never lack them or they'll be yours at the first appropriate moment. But His absolute wisdom and His absolute might will introduce all things into your life at their appropriate season or moment of new beginnings for them in your life. Can your Shepherd trust you yet? Never fear and never worry. His rod, staff, and anointing oil will bring you into the place, state of mind, and expression of His being through you until you are the person you've always been meant to be! The Lord leads me beside the still waters; He restores my soul. There is something that is called the "stream of consciousness" that is very familiar to a lot of writers and school teachers. In literature, or in literary circles the stream of consciousness has to do with the general flow of a piece. Though preachers, including the Lord Himself, when He was on earth, are often loud, there is something quiet, still, and quietening about the promises and judgments of the Lord. The teaching of the Lord, once it creates an obedient heart in a human being, has an uncanny way of bringing a lot of stillness. He leads in paths of righteousness for His Name's sake. It is His leading that is for His Name's sake and not merely that the paths that He chooses and prepares are righteous for His Name's sake. And as your Shepherd, He'll ensure that those paths are there, that they're accessible, and that they're in the presence of your enemies.

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