Sunday, 3 January 2010

New Age bliss experiences

I want to understand what the bliss is that the new agers experience when they tap into consciousness (whatever that may be) and via the Kundalini (false Holy Spirit?) and the opening of chakras (which some of them believe to be the seals of Revelations) connect with "the universe". I believed this to be the created energy, but I don't know for sure. And perhaps I am not supposed to want to know. But even if you tell me I am not supposed to want to know, I still want to know, for it really puzzles me....I believe those are flood gates of spiritual power that are opened up, and if it's not happening via further and further conformity with Christ Jesus via the Written Word and being disciplined by and to it, then demons are uniting them more and more with Hell and the nature of Hell, all of it's confusion and deception.

Via New Age ways and practices, it's nothing but a dead fallen spirit being activated and it may bring a tiny dimension of expanded thought, some warding off of diseases, and perhaps a few dollars or other aspects of possessions, authority, and influence in this world -- but the New Birth, or being born from above; the regeneration of one's spirit into His image and likeness out of Adam's fall, is only from Him, obviously, and ultimate power and authority is only found with Him and His Word and only flow freely from His Cross, Blood, and Resurrection. But people that are still dead in sin, still have a spirit even though it's alienated from God's world by their death in trespasses -- it's still a spirit that can be stirred up and probably still is a strong enough one to get them out of circumstances that their minds and limited information via mental channels would never get them out of.  But obviously, the pleasure in sin is only for a season, and Isaiah talks about Hell stirring up the dead and coming closer to meet them, and that's not a pretty place to find one's self in to have gained the whole world via means other than submission to Him and to have lost one's soul

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