I want to understand what the Spirit of Christ, the Holy Spirit, the seven Spirits of God and the Spirit of the Bride, is. How is this the same and how different.....I really don't quite get it and I know its like entry level basics....Can you help?I'm not sure about a Spirit of the Bride would be. Seems like an extrabiblical term that may relate to a counterpart to the anointing that I've had on me for nearly 3yrs as the Groom He's been preparing. But if you're referring to in the last couple of chapters of Revelation where it says that the Spirit and the Bride say "come, take of the water of life freely..." then the Spirit would be the Holy Spirit, or the Spirit of the prophets according to 1Corinthians 14 where it talks about the spirits of the prophets being subject to the prophets. The Bride in Revelation is the New Jerusalem, what's called the City of Truth in Zechariah, and to me that's simply the New Covenant that both the Old and New Testament saints are walking in. People get into debates about whether or not that's the people of God that would make up that city, whether or not it's literally a solid gold city that bleeds through out of the spiritual realm either from another world or that as in heaven so in earth that people ultimately are so prosperous and Christ centered that Jerusalem comes into it's finest hour in another thousand or two years -- but to me, it's simply the riches of the New Covenant that we have in Christ Jesus 'cause besides all of the other promises of spiritual and peace of mind promises, there's the promises of health and wealth inherent in that Covenant that'll always be sufficient for any need that would ever come up. We're told elsewhere that it's the Father's good pleasure to give us the Kingdom and that the Kingdom of God is within us, in the Gospels. So, the reality of what Zechariah calls "The City of Truth" being within us would obviously be the principles of the Kingdom, of obedience to His call, and of union to the people and purposes He calls our life into. 7 Spirits of God in Revelation are referred to as His 7 eyes, I believe, in Zechariah, and in Isaiah 11 we're told about 7 Spirits of God and it gives the names of them in the second verse: 2 The Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon Him, The Spirit of wisdom and understanding, The Spirit of counsel and might, The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD. Looking at the above verse more closely: 1. Spirit of Lordship, which would be dominion and authority -- that "Presence" that a General or a King just walked in; 2. Spirit of wisdom; 3. Spirit of understanding; 4. Spirit of counsel; 5. Spirit of might, or what's called it's equivalent in the New Testament "joy"; 6. Spirit of knowledge (probably inclusive of what you were asking me about regarding seeing who I'm talking with); 7. Spirit of the fear of the Lord, which is obviously the supernatural power to repent, to obey Him, of effortless submission to Him as Saul on the Road to Damascus in Acts 9, etc. Holy Spirit is all 7 of these that I've just listed and these are aspects of His Nature and Power and Purpose. In John's Gospel, chapters 14-17 we're told that He's the one that reminds us of all Lord Jesus has said to us, is the one that leads us into all truth, and according to Acts 1, He's the one that supernaturally empowers a supernatural Christian life to testify to God's grace, what's happened at the Cross and in the resurrection, and our becoming the world's experience of everything that Lord Jesus is. Spirit of Christ is sorta the same thing in the Scriptures, but contextually will be alluding to one of the above 7 fold gift of Christ that He gave when He ascended on high in Ephesians chapters 4 through 6 and gave gifts to men: Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, Teachers, the Marriages He's intended, and Children (whether physical or spiritual children). The Word Christ is actually drawing your attention to this supernatural power rather than specifically referring to either an Office He holds or whatever, because we're called in Scripture the Body of Christ. Those 7 gifts He gave to men when He ascended far above all the heavens correspond to the 7 days of Creation, with marriage obviously being the 6th of those and relating to the 6th day when God brought Woman out of Adam, when the side of Adam's genes was no longer XX but had the "\" removed to form Woman and he became XY instead of XX because the "\" was removed from the side of his genes, and from then onwards, the image of God has always been distinctly in the couples He'd put together rather than either one being complete by themselves in Him.The Word "Christian" and the Word "Christ" should mean absolutely nothing different in our minds from each other. They're both the same thing, as far as how the Scriptures would understand it, though of course pastors and theologians may try to make a distinction. Zero difference. Means anointed with His anointing and we're annointed with the exact same anointing according to 2Corinthians chapter 1 and 1John chapters 2 and 3 where we're called the Anointed Sons of God -- i.e. the confession of Peter about Christ is expanded to all of the rest of us that we're the Christ, the Son of the living God according to the riches of His grace in His kindness towards us in Christ Jesus. The anointing according to Isaiah 10:27 is yoke destroying, burden removing supernatural power. Isaiah 61 is what Lord Jesus preached from everywhere He went, besides Leviticus 25 with announcing Himself as Liberty throughout all of the land, and He tells you in Isaiah 61 what the liberty is supposed to be from: broken heartedness, blindness, liberty to the captives (i.e. those in Hell would be included since according to Zechariah, I'm thinking 9th chapter, by the Blood of His Covenant the prisoners are set free from the waterless pit, and in Hosea 2, the valley of Achor is made a door of hope. The valley of Achor is the valley of the shadow of death: it's where Achan was stoned to death -- yet there's a door of hope for those judged by the Law. So we see Christ Jesus in the New Testament defending the woman caught in adultery for whom the stoning was due. Book of Jeremiah, I'm thinking the 17th chapter, maybe, says that they'd be written in the earth -- those that had forsaken Him, the fountain of living waters. Interesting thing about Him stooping down and writing on the ground while they were accusing and dictating to Him the demands of the Law and the stupid debates there have been about what He wrote, when we're told in Jeremiah He was writing their names. Additionally, that was stony ground He was writing in. So, He's essentially taking His finger and writing in stones
He died as a seed to bring forth much fruit, according to His own teachings, and was raised from the dead to make sure it happened. Each reference to Christ in the New Testament is a reference to that New Testament power upon all believers, that's to flow through believers, and that's rooted in the High Priestly ministry of Christ Jesus that the book of Hebrews outlines for us and makes us aware of to be on the lookout for references to it in the rest of what the Bible has to say about Him as He lives His resurrected life through us since He left 3 dimensional existence in His ascension before them in Acts 1 and Ephesians 4 when He ascended far above all of the heavens in order to fill all things.
Sunday, 3 January 2010
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