Monday 4 January 2010

The big picture

Since I am so interested in the big picture and the bigger plan, the very first verses Paul spoke after he greeted everybody warmly.

V2 onwards

To put this in my own words:

Grace and peace to us

Blessing and praise to God

God picked us in Christ, put us in Christ, and blessed us with everything possible,
so we could BE a certain way before Him in love.

This state of BEING is holiness, wholeness, blamelessness.

(V5) He wanted us to be this way for He foreordained us to be adopted as His own children, .

(Implying to me, to be His very own children He wanted us to be of His very own kind, therefore he wanted to do whatever it takes, to bring us to this state of being, and part of the process to bring us to this state, was that He blessed us with everything possible, for is not the goodness of God that leads us to repentance?)

so we may be to the praise of His glorious grace

(Implying that he wanted us to be his very own children, for the ultimate purpose of it being to the praise of His glorious grace)

(V6) We are thus redeemed to this original purpose through the blood.
in accordance with this generous glorious grace.

(10) And God planned for the maturity of the times,
the climax of the ages,
to unify all things
and head them up in Christ
(all things in heaven and on the earth)

(Implying, that is what this plan is ultimately working towards)


The purpose of it all is for the praise of His glorious grace

The ultimate result at the climax of the ages will be all unified in Christ in heaven and earth

In the meanwhile He has foreordained sons that will play an important role in this bringing all into alignment.

These sons are to BE before Him in love in a certain state of BEING

This transformation of BEING who we are meant to be is made possible through the blood,
But is brought about by the receiving of all the blessings that had been released to us in the spiritual realm (by faith).

The result of the transformation of BEING, is that we will be totally holy and blameless before God, as his very own sons, in the image of our Father. (Implying wholeness in every part of us, and being seperated unto Him completely).

Therefore it is VERY important that we understand what these blessings are that had been released to us and how to receive them, for they will result in the transformation of BEING once we receive His gracious gifts. For even the more we receive, the more His glorious grace is being glorified. And that is after all, the purpose of it all.

That is how I see the big picture.


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