Monday 11 January 2010

Comment from Martin about T Gouw's teaching on end times..

don't have any "end times" teachings any more after He stripped away a literal 3 dimensional physical second coming from my theology 3 months ago as being Unbiblical and took me through Acts, Colossians, Zechariah, Isaiah, Malachi, 1Thessalonians, 2Thessalonians, Hebrews, 1John, and Revelation about it.  However, I am anticipating the fulfillment of the entire book of Zechariah in my ministry;-)  Now there's a heresy for you roflol  Whole book is prosperity theology at it's finest, and an exit from Babylon is the Biblical equivalent of an exit from Egypt with the gold, silver, and apparel.  When Lord Jesus preached that one to me on October 15th about the iniquity of the land and the spirit of uncleanness being removed from the land in one day and about all of the prosperity that was to flow like blood to the horse's bridle over the face of the whole land....

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