Sunday, 3 January 2010

Summary of the Gospel

How would you summarize the message of the bible in one page, that could bring it all together as a whole?

1John 3:14-24

Reply back:
Do you consider this the summary of the Gospel?

What about Eph 2:8-10?

ou asked about a summary of the entire Bible.  If I were to put up something approximating what the Jews put on their doors with a piece of Scripture in it, I'd use 1John 3:14-24 rather than the traditional passage from the Torah.  If I had to summarize the entire Bible even more briefly, I'd use Colossians 3:12-17.  I don't know of a right or wrong answer to your question.  It's just how I'd do it. ---

Reply back:
This is what is so baffling to me....

My heart is so drawn to love...I am filled with love and compassion....and that is probably the main reason I got drawn into new age many many years ago, because I just couldn't understand how the God I love could send people for all eternity to a tormenting hell, for not understanding that they have to do a sinners prayer and trying to find and reach Him in other ways.

God then pulled me out of there before I got in too deep.

But then with this Jakob Lorber, it was the love again that got me in. All the books is centred around the theme of love. Of doing the works of Jesus. Of loving.

This Jakob Lorber was believed to be a prophet, speaking the words of Jesus, he was speaking in the first person, as if Jesus is speaking, explaining scriptures and giving details, many details about the book of John.

And it was from a Universalism perspective.

It had teachings about love so detailed as I have never heard anywhere, and about laying down ones life. And the spiritual content was so high.

That was why it was so appealing to me.

But in the end, Jesus showed me, that the foundations is wrong, the starting point is wrong and that it is not His books. (Nor words)

And then brought me back to grace and truth. Grace through faith.

For those people believe in Jesus. They believe the Jesus from Lorber is the same Jesus from the bible. Lorber even explains the crucifixion they don't deny it. Only problem is they focus on love rather than on the cross. And they do strive to keep His words and to love with every fibre in their being.

This article hits the nail on the head I think with regards to the type of love the scripture demands vs the type of love preached by these new spiritualities, and deceiving spirits.

And that makes me want just to run deeper into grace. More grace. I cannot even love if He doesn't help me and do it through me.


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