Monday, 11 January 2010

End Time Doctrine

There is still bags in the interview doc with Martin with regards to end time teachings. But I think T. Gouws's teachings on the matter helps to fill in those gaps. I include:

Seminar 14 Nov 09 Tom Gouws

"Falsehood has an infinity of combinations, but truth has only one mode of being" J.J. Rousseau

7 Principles we need to understand first before we go into the teachings of end times. These concepts needs to be understood as foundations.

1. End time is not in the time we live now. It started when Jesus rose up from the dead. This is proved by 1 Cor 10:11
See also Gen 49:1, Eseg 38:16

See also Heb 1:1

2. The word in Greek for coming is "ergomai". Somebody coming on the cloud.
But it can mean somebody coming or going.
Paulus went up (ergomai) to heaven.

Porusia (coming again) can mean from somewhere or to manifest or "to come into being" or "to be established". Mat 16:28

Jesus said that there were people there that would not experience death before He comes, meaning manifest.

3. Christ must remain in heaven until the time when everything will be restored as God promised. Acts 3:21

The enemy wants us to fear. Fear stands against faith and love.

We are chosen in Yahweh to redeem all things to Him.

4. Mat 11:13
The smallest in the next "epog" (time - don't know english word) is bigger as John the baptism.
We have the Spirit in us, and they didn't have the Holy Spirit.

Old Testament was law. It prophecied about the end time.

John come to introduce the new dispensation from Jesus Christ.

Everything about the Old Covenant shows to Jesus. All Old Covenant is fulfulled. It had been completed, fulfulled in Yashua.

New Testament started when Jesus rose up. It didn't start at the beginning of the gospels!!!!

In the New Covenant we are being lead by the Spirit.

Elijah and Moses are being fulfilled in Jesus Christ, the law and the prophets.

5. John 3: 12,13
Nobody in this epog taken to heaven

6. Op 11:15
Kingdoms to become Christs.
Jesus - only King.

1 Cor 15 : Jesus to present this entire Kingdom to the Father.

Bride to rule with Jesus on earth, He the head.

7. John 12:31,32 and Eph 4

Satan lost his hold over the children of light. On the cross the old man and old nature had been nailed.

Satan has no hold on you when you are in Christ.

He is already defeated. Already judged.


Jer 29:11

Fear of God being a manmade institution, and because of that the book is sealed or peoples eyes are sealed, because they still operate in manmade fear


Some more points he made

1. The Bride is not the whole church
2. Jesus comes back for a triumphant bride who manifests the DNA of God
3. Malchesedec Priedthood
4. Not to heaven
5. Dragon - defeated
6. Bride is in Holy of Holies (other christians still in outercourt or holy place)
7. Predestination is not in terms of being saved, but in terms of being part of the Bride. Everybody can be saved, but Yahweh selects His bride
8. Cloud of witnesses
9. New Jerusalem is not physical resurrection of a place in the natural, physical Israels time has come to an end, it is now time for the Spiritual New Jerusalem, built with living stones to arise. The Bride.


Topic 1 : about Matthew 24 - the end time predictions.

1, Jesus said that all those things would come upon THAT generatiion, and it DID,
2. When will these things be and what is the sign of your coming (meaning manifestation).
3. It is the closing (end time) of one dispensation and the beginning of the next. The end of the world as it was then. The beginning of the New Covenant.
4. Son, moon and stars are symbols of authority. Authority had been lost.
5. He comes in the Cloud. Cloud of witnesses.
6. Learn from fig tree (fig tree is symbol of Israel). This generation ended before 70 After Christ.

"Religion is what is left after God has left the building".


Topic 2 : Daniel 9

70 prophetic weeks (referred to as p.w. Hereafter) (490 years).
It is about his Jewish nations, that is what Daniel fasted about.

Each of the 7 things Jesus came to do, on the timeline

1. Artasata gives command to restore Jerusalem 457 BC
2. (7 p.w.) 49 years
Temple completed 408 BC
3. (62 p.w.) - 434 years
Jesus baptised
27 AC
4. (Half p.w.) - 3.5 years
Jesus crucified
30 AC
5. ( Half p.w.) - 3.5 years
Stoning of Stevan
34 AC

This adds to 70 prophetic weeks.

70x7 is the full measure of forgiveness

Physical children of Abraham had been REPLACED by the spiritual children of Abraham just as the spiritual circumsision of the heart had replaced the physical circumsision.


The rapture.

Proverbs 2:21
Righteous shall inherit the land.

Proverbs 10:30
Righteous shall not be moved

See also Psalm 37:9,10

Psalm 115:16
Heaven is for the Lord and earth is given for mankindm

John 17:15
Jesus prays that they will NOT be taken OUT of this world but that they will be delivered from evil

Dan 7:27
Rulership is given to the saints

The earth and the fullness thereof belongs to the Lord.

Romans 8
All creation cries out...manifestation of sons of God

Revelation 2:26-28
We must rule!

He who overcomes, rulership over nations.

Ps 27:27
Will forever dwell...

Mat 5:5
Meek will inherit the earth

Titus 2:13,11

John 14:1-4

2 Cor 5:2

1 John 4:12
1 Thes 4:13-18

Rapture : acts 8:29
He manifests.
Glorified body.
Blood out.
Vains are filled with light not blood.
Presence of God was with them..

To be raptured like Phillip - to be united with Him.

Nobody will take you from my hand (rapture)

See also
Jude 14:15
1 Thes 3:13
Mat 13:24-30


Topic 4 : Revelations

This is the Revelation OF JESUS CHRIST ( Rev 1:1)

Written before the book of John.
John didn't write seperate chapters about end time like other gospel writers, for it was already covered in his book Revelation.

Time is close Rev 22:10

Holy Spirit came and told them all they had to hear.

Nero was that AntiChrist

2 Peter 1:3
3: 7-13

2 Peter 3
Your way of thinking can also burn.
Gal 4:3-9
Col 2:20

Old earth - old way of thinking.
Has to be destroyed with fire.
Dimension of His glory, Holy of Holies, is a new way of thinking.

Gen 8:21,22,4
Offer with fire.
1st offer in new epog (time dispensation).
Promise made.
Arc, on 7th month on 17th landed on mountain ararat.
It was the same day that Jesus rose from the dead.
And Ararat means "God reversed the curse"
Noah means rest.

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