Sunday, 3 January 2010

Seeing somebody in the spirit as part of discernment

Will you please share with me how to do that, how do you see the face of somebody in the spirit? There's an element of being able to do that that I'm personally coming to the conclusion is a part of the redemption available in Christ from the curse that came upon mankind at the tower of babel.  I'll explain some of my journey on it, lest just mentioning my experiences with it last year and what I was doing last year in any way gives you a false impression that "well of course you can do that if you did that last year -- can probably walk through walls and on water too!!" as you sighingly mentally retreat thinking it may never happen for you as a result.  I believe had I not lived the last 3yrs that it would have likely happened for me eventually with regularity but perhaps not for another decade of growth in the spirit, perhaps two more decades, simply because of intellectual issues with me, and other things I'd of obviously had going on spiritually and would have been developing in those things instead. Lord Jesus said those that hunger and thirst for righteousness would be filled.  About 20yrs ago, perhaps longer ago, I bumped into references to St. Paul doing it in 1st and 2nd Corinthians and Colossians, and I'd heard Kenneth E. Hagin teach back then that it was a part of the 1Corinthians 12 gift of "discerning of spirits" where you'd see things.  I came into the understanding eventually though, through Kenneth and Gloria Copeland's ministry that the fruit of the recreated human spirit in Galatians 5 will do absolutely anything and everything that the gifts of the spirit in 1Corinthians 12 and elsewhere will do.  Since you're in South Africa, see if Kenneth Copeland Ministries' South African office has available a teaching message called "Partners in Power" 'cause there's a teaching there on the grace of God through association with anointed ministries and how some things are caught via that covenantal bond that one comes into with one's prayers, gifts, and other forms of support and work with ministries where those gifts are in operation, and it's difficult to repreach a 90 minute message here while wanting to make other comments about it as well, without sending something impossibly long for you to read on your blackberry. Ephesians 3 and 1Corinthians 13 would indicate to me that seeing and knowing grows in proportion to one's growth in love.  The book of Revelation promises as one of the rewards to the overcomers having a white stone being given to one that has a new name on it.  The book of Zechariah in the Old Testament in describing what I believe to be this same stone mentions it having the 7 eyes of God, so, again, something related to perception growing would seem to be a part of walking out a walk of faith regarding any matter of the promises of God to completion to where a particular promise of His is inherited.  If He gives guidance about the car, house, spouse, career, calling, or whatever that one is to function in or obtain with one's faith -- again, the one He's indicated -- and one receives that by faith, then there's also these other gifts promised in the first 3 chapters of Revelation that He'll give you besides for overcoming, and 1John says that our faith [which is the substance of things hoped for] is the victory that overcomes the world, and according to Romans 10:17 that comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Hebrews 6 talks about our level of expectation also going beyond the veil, sorta as a hologram and standing before the throne of grace -- so, as one's love and hope grow in intensity, then again, spiritual sight should be a growing accompanyment.  Obviously some of the evangelist gifts in the Body of Christ that operate prophetically while ministering to the infirmed have walked out something with their faith in all likelihood to get to that point, based on all of the above, if it wasn't just sovereignly given from either birth or the realization of their calling later in life 'cause of what He wanted done anyway, regardless of where they're at spiritually. 

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