Sunday 3 January 2010

The sower and the seed

Mark 4

Martin reminded me that God produces life through His Word.
Everything starts as a Word that falls in the heart of man,
and has the potential to bring forth a hundred fold harvest.

"It's when there's such a Word and then someone refuses to enter in, then He lets 'em die in the wilderness.  A lot of people preach the 3rd and 4th chapters of Hebrews about God's general Covenantal promises throughout the Written Word and there's likely an application there, but in my case with Him saying "there xxx is!" -- if I arranged my calendar around xxx exposing myself to situations with temptation, etc., after He's already declared that xxx, then everything that St. Paul warns about that can overtake someone in their own wilderness between where they were and their Promised Land becomes an issue. I'm in the land, right now, 'til xxx where snakes can get me, the ground can open up, and all of the other fun ways that people died for rebelling against Moses"

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